
Smart Ideas in Action.

A product is just an expression of ideas.

Ideas that win you students in the new digital age are behind SmartMock.



Personalization is a defining feature of new digital age. Today, users experience personalization in almost everything and they demand the same in learning.

SmartMock personalizes learning, test feedback, engagement and mentorship. It’s about giving the right content, the right feedback and the right message to the right student at the right time.

With SmartMock, you can provide the most personalized and memorable learning experiences for your students.

It’s a way to differentiate yourself and can significantly contribute to the bottom line and generate incremental revenues.


Online ⇔ Offline

You can use your website or app to add value to your students on a regular basis not just when students take mock tests.

One way to do so is by capturing the context of what’s happening in your classroom.

SmartMock synchronizes your website or app with your classroom and continues to engage your student beyond the classroom.

You see increased engagement on your website or app.


Insights, not info

Students need clear pointers on how to improve their score. What they need is actionable insights not just information.

SmartMock doesn’t leave the burden of drawing insights on students. We chase insights even behavioural ones. While doing so, we remember ‘improvement happens in gradual steps’ and consider ‘optimal preparation strategy’.

SmartMock engages and persuades students to act upon the insights.


Assess ⇔ Improve

Go beyond assessment. Complete learning cycle by integrating assessment with improvement activities.

With SmartMock, you can identify the knowledge gaps of your students and create, suggest learning activities that close those gaps.

Wouldn’t your students love you for this ?


Behaviour Design

Technology can be used to influence or change the student behaviour.

SmartMock tracks each and every action of a student on the site and identifies behaviour anomalies.

By using timely triggers and personalized mentorship, SmartMock intervenes to influence student behaviour for good.


Micro Learning

SmartMock lets you use short learning activities to introduce new concepts, revise known concepts and quickly close small knowledge gaps.

Your students love these bite sized learning content as they only need little time, effort and motivation to complete the activity and get better at concepts.

Your students engagement and satisfaction just goes through the roof.


Learning Techniques

Technology is all about possibilities. It’s time you incorporated learning techniques into your online offerings.

SmartMock implements learning techniques like spaced repetition, interleaved practice to solidify your student learning.


Data driven organization

Data is to the digital age as is oil to the industrial age. It is key to success and has the potential to be long term competitive advantages.

SmartMock systematically gathers and analyzes the data. And, it presents all of it in one integrated BI-module.

Not just that, we also put in place data driven processes to improve the learning experiences of your students.



Automation is incredibly helpful.

Making use of automation, SmartMock lets you perform tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size and speed. It creates disproportionately high value for your students.

SmartMock saves time for your faculty to focus on more meaningful activities.


Simplicity and Clarity

Design is how it works.

We put great emphasis on design. We create learning experiences which aren’t only personal but also simple and clear to use.

With a touch of simplicity and clarity, all the good things you do for your students shine further.